Start your dream Irish vacation

If you've always wanted to take a dream vacation to Ireland, then you've probably got a lot of ideas already bouncing around in your mind. If you're just starting to think about that trip, then you are in the right place.

In either case, it's time to start moving towards your goal. Here is a presentation that includes planning phases to get you started. Then use the Vacation Planner resource below that to keep moving towards making your dream vacation a reality.

Print out the Dream Vacation Planner to help guide you towards the perfect getaway. As you read through this course and complete your own research, you can use the planner to:

  • Write down the Must See and high priority sites, destinations, and experiences
  • Record ideas for transportation, lodging, food, and entertainment
  • Consider your options for budget, time, work, home, kids, and pet requirements
  • List out the next steps to take
  • Create a day by day and hour by hour compact itinerary
  • Track last minute details like flights, reservations, and packing checklists

Make sure to review the Top Tourist Sites lecture (upcoming section of the course) for a visual tour of some of the highlights. Then jump to the destination travel guides sections for our personally created planning vacations. There are templates and documents in the resources section that you can use and customize on your own.

You can download or print a version of the Dream Vacation Planner from Google documents.

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WanderFit sites: Wander Fit Trip, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo

PLUS: Our Ireland travel specific Pinterest page

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